Freespirit Horse Art is specialised in the creation of special items. In addition to our special “standard” items which can be found in our webshop, we also make items for special occasions. These items are completely custom made for a customer. This can be photo shoots, a commune or a rope workshop. Sometimes it is a theme for which we can make a suitable solution.
Below are some examples of special projects for which we have made articles.
This concerned a forthcoming wedding where the horses were given a rope halter and neckrope and the dogs were given collars in the colours of the wedding dress. This was black and red with roses. So our products also got these colours and of course the roses had to be there as well.
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Another special order was a complete set with the theme “the Middle Ages / archery”. For this, we were asked by Kessen-Moving Mounted Archery to design a set that would fit their medieval theme.
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Sometimes a piece of clothing is the reason for having an article designed and made. Here the request was to create a set to match a dirndl dress.
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