
The general sizes we use for rope halters, neckropes, reins are listed below. Because horses do not always have a standard size, it is nice if the article fits as well as possible. If you want it to fit you can specify your own size when ordering.

Please note: if you do not specify a measured size, we will use the sizes according to the general tables. This may cause the ordered halter or neckrope not to fit. Keep in mind that your order is custom made, and therefore there is no right of withdrawal and also a return shipment for this reason is not possible.


Nose circumference
< 40 cmMini ShetXXS
40 cm - 45 cmShetXS
45 cm - 50 cmB/C PonyS
50 cm - 55 cmCobM
55 cm - 65 cmFULLL
> 65 cmX - FullXL
Custom madeXX - FullXXL

The above dimensions are guidelines. We prefer to make your tailor-made rope halter or sidepull. Please indicate the nose circumference with your order.

Measuring the nose circumference:


Neck OutlineSizeMeasure
125 cmMini ShetXS - S
140 cmShetS
150 cmPonyM
160 cmCobM
170 cmFullL
180 cm ->X - FullXL
Custom made XX - FullXXL

The above dimensions are guidelines. We prefer to make your tailor-made rope halter or sidepull. Please indicate the nose circumference with your order.

Measuring the neck circumference:

According to Yvonne of Freespirit, measuring a neckrope is very easy:

I do this with a halter rope that I slide through the musketon hook until it reaches the desired size. Then I pull the halter rope over my horse’s head and measure the rope with a tape measure.

Reins classic

Shet - B/C Pony2.50 m.
Cob3.00 m.
Full3.00 - 3.50 m.
Extra Full4.00 m.

Western reins/split reins

XS-SMini Shet-Shet2 x 1.60 m
S-MB/C Pony2 x 1.80 m.
MCob2 x 2.00 m.
LFull2 x 2.20 m
XLExtra Full2 x 2.40 m.

Long reins

S-MB/C Pony4.50 m.
MCob5.50 m.
LFull6.50 m
XLExtra Full7.50 m.

The lengths given in the table are averages. For a custom length, measure twice the length from mouth to buttock of your horse + 1.5 meters (see pictures for taking the correct size). The reins can be fitted with snaphooks or scissor snaps.

Measuring the lengthe long reins: